+91 9685432772

Welcome To Matrix Sales & Services

The MSS Group is a leading company in the fire protection industry. Our expertise in all aspects of the fire protection industry provides our clients with the peace of mind knowing that their assets are being maintained to industry best practice. MSS services a diverse range of customers include councils, schools, government departments, high-rise residential complexes, and heavy industry. MSS ensures that we keep u p to date with any legislative changes that affect our clients. As such we constantly monitor The Building Practitioners Board, Fire Protection Indian Standards.

Our Newest Products

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Water Type Fire Extinguisher(Portable Type)
M/Foam (Portable Type) Type Fire Extinguisher
Fire Hose For Hydrant System(EPDM HOSE TYPE-A)

What Our Client Say

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  • As such we constantly monitor The Building Practitioners Board, Fire Protection Indian Standards. feugiat


  • MSS services a diverse range of customers include councils, schools, government departments, high -rise residential complexes, and heavy industry. MSS ensures that we keep u p to date with any legislative changes that affect our clients. feugiat

    Arun Singh

  • The MSS Group is a leading company in the fire protection industry. Our expertise in all aspects of the fire protection industry provides our clients with the peace of mind knowing that their assets are being maintained to industry best practice. feugiat

    Ravi Kumar